HCBS Strategies worked with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) to assist in the integration of key parts of Maryland’s MFP effort into the ADRC effort known as the Maryland Access Point (MAP) program. The scope of work was expanded to assist the MAPs in meeting ACL criteria for full-functioning ADRCs and the Balancing Incentives Program (BIP). This included conducting operational reviews on each of the 20 MAP sites to develop an inventory of each site’s structure, strengths, and challenges. We worked with DHMH, MDoA and other stakeholders to identify the key infrastructure requirements for each MAP site and identify infrastructure that the state was to develop. These requirements and tasks were incorporated into a State Action Plan. We collaborated with each of the MAP sites to develop Individual Action Plans that guided their planning for meeting the new State requirements.
HCBS Strategies collaborated with the Delmarva Foundation to assess strengths and weaknesses of three 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers for the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The scope of work included the provision of a roadmap for redesigning a quality improvement system and some initial quality management tools.