Strategic Planning Retreat

HCBS Strategies contracted with Illinois Department of Aging (IDoA) to lead a cross-agency strategic planning retreat. A major goal of the retreat was to develop a plan for integrating new initiatives into IDoA’s current Strategic Plan. As the discussion progressed, it became apparent that it was important to clarify how both the Strategic Plan and the new initiatives potentially impacted current operations. During the retreat, we developed a draft analytic structure for integrating the new initiatives with IDoA’s operations and Strategic Plan. After the retreat, we developed a more detailed spreadsheet builds off this analytic structure. The more detailed spreadsheet could help IDoA develop a more detailed understanding of these issues.

CMS Compliant 1915(c) Waiver Quality Management Strategy

HCBS Strategies assisted the Illinois Department on Aging in building a quality management structure for the State of Illinois Community Care Program (CCP) that complies with CMS requirements for 1915(c) waiver is under application version 3.5. CCP is an entitlement program serving individuals needing long term supports, who are over age 60, and who live in the community. Many of the people served are Medicaid eligible under the 1915(c) waiver that includes CCP services.

The project included an operational analysis of the existing quality management structure, comprehensive research of national practices, development of performance indicators, methodologies for discovery and remediation, and recommendations for operational implementation for the new quality management system (including technology tools). The project provided the State with the information needed for their waiver renewal. It also included the development and delivery of training to staff and providers on the requirements of the new system.

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